Some time in the near future, I will be moving OTS over to a new computer. I will also move the .OML file as well, so that all of the cats go with it. By doing this, does that also move your EQ settings and processor settings? If not, is there another way short of the old fashioned way (Write them down).
I just did the same thing, JD, and the quick answer is no. These will have to be re-created.
Sometimes the old ways are the best... it took me 2 days to my EQ settings!:D
JD take a snap shot or screen capture of the EQ and processor settings then it will be easy to see your settings to set them up again.
Thanks Jigger. That's a great suggestion.:beerchug:
You could always export your registry settings for the Ots Corporation folder...
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Software, Ots Corporation, OtsDJ, GraphicEQ
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Software, Ots Corporation, OtsDJ, DynProc
Obviously, with a different machine, you won't be able to use the current machine license info, but if you export everything else, you should be able to import them, and restore from your current settings.
Also, there is a excellent chance that your New systems audio output will not match your new systems output, and your EQ will need tweaked to get the same results anyhow.
Jeff, that is a good idea too. At least it will put me in the "ballpark" I have thought that the sound will differ with a new soundcard, so that will give me a point to start from.
I ordered a Laptop from Dell with XP pro on it. Since I was very happy with the ESI Wave Terminal 192 sound card that I have in my tower system I am thinking about going with the ESI GigaPort USB card. Anyone out here had any pro's or Con's on that one.