hello, hello, hello to everyone! hehe
Lately I have been streaming with my new system.. and I thought I'd try out some of OtsAV's bell and whistles.. I only JUST realized I can "turn it all on" and so I DID!
all but video (oh wait! I got one video I can play) as I didn't have anything to play but I DO.. so I'll turn that on as well hehe otherwise, I could never turn on ALL the effects at once.. I might as well do it now! that way I can give OtsAV some EXPOSURE on the major platforms.. that should EXCITE some peeps in the land down under! :)
https://kick.com/warp-radio (I'm also on Twitch, Dlive, Oddysee, Trovo, slingTV, Vaughn and a others- just to name a few... and, of course, https://www.warp-radio.tv and audio only streams available at https://www.warp-radio.com
yes, I am showing LIVE OtsAV screen action!