I have a database of close to 26000 items and 3010. On doing an Easy Scan I am told that there are 7 items marked unavailable but I cannot see them. Going to !avail shows nothing. Advice please.
I am sure you mean (unavail). Have you come across any items with the Ots icon coloured grey, if you have that's them.
But I think you will find there is something wrong with those items, they are not easy to find, they will have something missing ie title, in the past I have used Ots companion to list all items and then sort them by title to see if any appear without a title.
In my case they came up at the top of the list I just deleted them and all was fine. So basically I think you have some corrupt files.
There is an option to hide items marked unavailable. Make sure that is not checked.
It's in the drop down menu top right of the library which lets you choose what to list.
Hi Guys
The !avail is just the OMQL for getting to unavailable.
What is Ots Companion. Where can find it?
Best wishes
I think this is the link http://www.users.on.net/~coolmax/OTS_Companion/ (http://www.users.on.net/~coolmax/OTS_Companion/)
You can also search the forum.