been using the category for years,for weddings I name the folder of bride and groom.I find the songs they want,right click,category,then scroll all the way to the bottom which is the most recent.Is there a quicker,easier way to do this?
A few ideas....
1. You could "Manage categories" and move this folder to the top for faster access, but that in itself is a bit of work, especially if you have multiple events each week.
2. Type your cat name directly into the OMQL box in Ots to show it's content, but that relies on you making no typos.
3. Use an external scripted application (preferred) like OtsButler (, OMQL Buttons (, or, OMQry ( to auto fill your Ots fields
Maybe a different way of working, if I understand what you are trying to do.
Find all the wanted tracks and add them to the playlist.
Select All and Copy
Export clipboard as bridesname.oil
at the gig, import the saved .oil to the Prepare tab
the tracks are now there ready for picking as needed
That's what I do - save a playlist beforehand and import it at the start of the gig when I set up.
Honestly, I do the playlist thing too. Not sure why I wasn't thinking that when I wrote my list.
Dare I say senior moment Jeff? I'm starting to get them now... :thumbsup: