As this has not been mentioned just thought I would post the details from Ots
Windows 10 is here!
Today Ots Labs has released a maintenance update for all OtsAV editions, version 1.90.44, as an interim measure before our next feature release.
This update has been tested with and works well with Windows 10, including all video related features, on both desktops and tablets.
Even for non-Windows 10 users, the update contains significant performance improvements under the hood, particularly relevant for video. You may find that machines which previously were right on the verge of being able to handle a given internal resolution smoothly are now able to do so. Even for audio-only use, this version is faster and uses less resources - regardless of whether you're running Windows 10, 8/8.1, 7 or even XP. (Please take note that this update requires a processor with at least SSE2 support - pretty much any machine manufactured in the last decade will satisfy this, however if you're running a very old Athlon CPU, for example, you may not be able to successfully run the update.)
Concerning Windows XP, the next release for OtsAV will very likely be the last one supporting this old OS. If you haven't yet upgraded from XP we strongly suggest you do, even if only for the security benefits alone.
Although today's 1.90.44 release is not a feature release as such, it does contain an additional feature that will be of interest to tablet users who are playing video for their own enjoyment. While OtsAV is displaying fullscreen video, you can now swipe left, right, up and down to skip forward, back, or play and pause the current playlist. And as before, you can double-tap to escape from fullscreen mode. Although primarily intended for tablet users, these new gestures work with any touch screen regardless of whether the output is on the primary monitor or a secondary. In fact, even if you don't have a touch screen at all, you can still test the gestures with your mouse by left-click and dragging on the OtsAV fullscreen output.
Here Is The link. (
just updated my dell laptop to windows 10 and updated otsdj to 1.90.44? and now my videos wont work.. they worked fine on windows 8. is there something i forgot to do? HElp
you probably need to install a new video/graphics driver from the dell website.
Yeah, I didn't think much of the windows 10 nNidia drivers for my system. It seems to work better with the nNidia drivers provided directly from nNidia. Never noticed a problem with Ots video output though.
I downloaded the latest release and had no problems on a Dell 1735 studio laptop and two desktops.
From what I gather Dell has no win 10 drivers. As Jeff mentioned go to the manufactures web sight for drivers.
Also check you have set video up correctly in Ots