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The Social Zone! => The Lounge. No business, just chit chat. => Topic started by: BJ on April 06, 2014, 07:41:37 PM

Title: Denon Mc-6000
Post by: BJ on April 06, 2014, 07:41:37 PM
I see that ots has a new mapper for the Mc-6000 mk2. I downloaded to the file as instructed, but it is listed as a .txt file and I can't get it to do anything on my Mc-6000. Anyone having any sucess?
Title: Re: Denon Mc-6000
Post by: Jumpin' Jeff on April 06, 2014, 11:07:12 PM
Did you right click the link and save as....?
Just change the .txt extension to .ohm should work, or download the attached file...
Title: Re: Denon Mc-6000
Post by: BJ on April 07, 2014, 02:16:43 AM
I deleted the file I had downloaded and downloaded again, this time it came in correct. Everything controller wise works fine except I can't get ots to use the soundcard on the mc-6000. I think it may have to do with 44100 mhz, seems like I read somewhere denon was supposed to release a firmware upgrade to correct that. The only soundcard ots will recognize in midi mode is the onboard card in the laptop, which is not that good.

Title: Re: Denon Mc-6000
Post by: Greg Frasier on April 09, 2014, 03:08:23 AM
Will the mapper work with the MC6000 or just the MK11? If not, will this be available soon?
Title: Re: Denon Mc-6000
Post by: BJ on April 09, 2014, 12:35:20 PM
I have been in contact with both Denon and Ots for about a week now. Denon says the sound card on the Mc-6000 will only support 48000hz. It appears the soundcard on the Mc-6000MK11 will also support 44100hz therefore making it work with the onboard driver. Ots has mapped the Mc-6000Mk11 and while the layout of the Mc-6000 is different somewhat the basic things like volume, pitch work. The problem of course is the sound card issue 48000vs44100. I got it to work in midi using computer  sound card but you could not listen off air to a song through the headset while another was playing. Ots suggested installing ASIO4ALL as a bridge solution for the 6000, It was my understanding ots was going to rewrite code so that it would work with 48000hz but I guess not. If anyone has installed the ASIO4ALL and made it work I would like to know the procedure.
As far as ots mapping the Mc-6000 they instructed me to make the mapping changes or find someone on this forum that has. I know nothing about mapping so if anyone has mapped it let us know. It sure would be easier if ots would do this.
I purchased the Mc-6000 2 years ago and had to use Virtual DJ to get full value from mixer. If I use ots I use it in line out through fast track pro (M-Audio) external sound card.
I looked at the Denon Mc-6000MK11 but  did not like the fact  that they had dropped features (booth out controls and one less line out on back of controller) so for a back up controller I purchased another Denon Mc-6000. If i can't get ots to work properly in Midi I'll just use it old school line out.

So yes they have mapped for Mc6000MK11 and no for the Mc6000.
Title: Re: Denon Mc-6000
Post by: Jumpin' Jeff on April 09, 2014, 08:19:11 PM
BJ, If I understood correctly, the 48000hz support requires a Ots/OML file format change, and is in the works. When that occurs, you will see support for 4800hz, more genres/cats, cues, loops, etc. It's a major overhaul of the Ots undercarriage to accomplish that.
Title: Re: Denon Mc-6000
Post by: BJ on April 09, 2014, 08:57:51 PM
Jumpin' Jeff, you understand what ots said 2 years ago just as I do. The response to the questions about the Denon Mc-6000 from ots was you should sell your Mc-6000 and puchase the Mc-6000MK11. Then they said if yor persist using the Mc-6000 you can make changes to the mapping, which I don't have the expertise to do, and for the sound card situation try theASIO4All. I am perfectly happy to wait for the next version of ots to make things work well with the Mc-6000, it is the better unit. I just hope what you and I both understood was going to happen comes to pass. I am so ready to be able to use ots on my own controller. I've been with ots for the better part of 20 years and would like to stay with them, but man sometimes it's a real challenge.
Title: Re: Denon Mc-6000
Post by: BJ on April 10, 2014, 08:15:39 PM
Just to update, I just got off the phone with Denon confirming that the Mc-6000MK11 controller  is 44.1khz for audio so it will work natively with ots. The Mc-6000 at 48.0khz of course will take so love from ots to work.
Title: Re: Denon Mc-6000
Post by: DJ M on May 20, 2014, 12:58:14 PM
The latest firmware update for the MC6000 addressed the sample rate issue in conjunction with the ASIO driver supplied by Denon (that you will already be using)  I use mine with OTS and the playback is fine. I have a few different MAPS. None of which are perfect, but they do let me use the MC6000 on it's own. Before I had to use the 6000 as the controller and the HC4500 as the sound card.