Hi Folks
I am a new user of OtsAV Radio 1.90. I prepare and output a show for a radio station in Canada. When the stream is broadcast there is a lot of 'wow and flutter' distortion when the music is on. I do my voice bits as a voice over with a bed and they are not to bad. I deliver the file as an Mp3 256 bps, The music tracks (blues) are very bassy and I think it may be an equaliser problem. Any advice please.
Ian M
Turn off the processing in Ots. Also put your EQ flat. It's really not needed or even desired if a radio station is going to play it and apply their own audio processing.
The only thing you should leave on in the Ots dynamics section is the limiter at the end, and move the fader all the way up. It will only ever engage if you force your audio too high into clipping range. You want that one bit of protection to save you as a just in case measure.
Hi Lane
Thanks so very much. By turn off the processing (Dynamics) do you mean running all the faders except the limiter to the bottom. There does not seem to be any way of turning it off.
There are buttons atop each group to activate and de-activate each section of the dynamics processor.
Yeah, they aren't quite obvious enough they are buttons. But they are. :) Thanks for that screen capture Jeff.
Fantastic :thumbsup: That is wonderfully helpful. I had it set to Radio so it couldn't have been more wrong.
Ian M
That Radio setting is intended when there isn't any other processing. Some low power stations may have only that available to them.
Let us know how this works out for you. Does it solve your problem?
I'll let you know next week. :)
I had to wait 'til now to hear the show which I make 2 weeks in advance. Anyway it is now fine all the wow and flutter gone. Nice stable sound. Sincere thanks! What a great group this is.
Ian M :thumbsup: