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The Social Zone! => The Lounge. No business, just chit chat. => Topic started by: scott hanna on October 31, 2012, 11:57:19 AM

Title: 1.90 : Sorting lists by "plays"
Post by: scott hanna on October 31, 2012, 11:57:19 AM
Just playing around, I switched my view to sort by "most played".  That was a few weeks ago, and I haven't switched back since.

The great thing is it does that for everything, so when I go into a category, the most played songs are right on top. So now I can add more songs to each category without having to sift through songs i won't play very often.

when I do a search, the most relevant song is right on top.

for example, now when I type in "Yea", Yeah by usher comes up because that song gets played the most with those letters. Saves me some key strokes of having to type "yeah^ush" and a lot of keystrokes over previous versions because I have a lot of songs with the words usher and yeah in them

If there are 2 songs with the same name, but one version is the one I like better, the one I like is always on top.
Title: Re: 1.90 : Sorting lists by "plays"
Post by: Jumpin' Jeff on October 31, 2012, 09:56:28 PM
Title: Re: 1.90 : Sorting lists by "plays"
Post by: Darryl on November 01, 2012, 03:08:25 AM
I think I'll try that for the next gig.
Title: Re: 1.90 : Sorting lists by "plays"
Post by: Dr.J on November 01, 2012, 05:52:16 AM
Thanks for the cool tip. I really like that option as quite often I'll have multiple versions of a song and it takes extra steps to check which one I play the most.
Title: Re: 1.90 : Sorting lists by "plays"
Post by: scott hanna on February 04, 2013, 03:18:19 PM
With this, I'd reccomend choosing "items only" so albums aren't coming up

Now that I'm used to this and how quickly the song I want comes up after typing just a few keys, I hated looking up songs on one of my old computers I used last week which has 1.85