At Last..... it's there :thumbsup:
I'm just peed my pants :blusha:
It's version 1.90
LOL i beated Ots Steve.....
Talk about the very last second...
Got it. Now let's see if it's a WOW or is that it factor :icon_lol:
I'm surprised that they're calling is 1.9...
Here is my first impression.
I'll be honest, i was expecting more features from the 2.0 version, so i'm a little disappointed.
Still no third deck for jingles, sound bites etc.
The graphic layout is changed (it's black background), looping is active.
I can't find the other color settings, i hope Ots change this, because for me (personally) the layout is too dark. I'm color blind, and for me it is difficult to see the different colors used. It's actually a contrast issue for me.
Still you can not turn of the Dynamics Processor graphics. This should be an user option, because i use Breakaway Audio processing.
Runs with no problems on a Intel Dual core Atom processor. Concurrently running with Breakaway Live.
CTRL-A, C & V works now.
I'll be back with more experience.
Final verdict:
I played with it all afternoon. I will upgrade one (test) machine with version 1.90.
For my other machine's i wait for the next upgrade. My major issue is the color settings.
BTW1: if your looking for the menu bar, it isn't there anymore.
Instead left click on the animated Ots Logo.
BTW2: I tested the trial version with NO video active.
Quote from: Dj Buik on August 01, 2012, 12:27:02 PM
.....Still no third deck for jingles, sound bites etc.
Sadly that means the time for radio guys it's still to come...
Quote from: mpanda on August 01, 2012, 08:02:54 PM
Sadly that means the time for radio guys it's still to come...
But don't fret mpanda, you'll love the radio functionality we've already developed and some other stuff we're still working on. We definitely have plans here. Well, they're far more than plans. They almost made it out the door in this last release!
Thank you Adam, your encouragement sounds great!
Radio seems not a priority for Ots Labs strategies since a long time but as I know you come from broadcasting field as you're 'sensible' to our need, so I'm confident Ots guys will surprise broadcasters expectations.
Mario, I think the word you wanted was 'sensitive'. :)
thank you Lane... :laugh:... sensible sounds similar to italian meaning but it's different in english language...
in italian 'sensible' means like one who comes from a field so he naturally tends to be 'careful' to facts coming from such field.
Now I know the correct english term is 'sensitive'.
I'm grateful to all forum's friend for the patience they reserve to my poor english and hope Adam will get the correct meaning of my reply. :)
for completeness... in italian 'sensitive' means one who has 'precognitions'....
Well, I tried Guys, but I am so sorry. I HATE it!. Yeah Adam, sure, "we are resistant to change and we will all learn to love it" - but I run several terrestial radio stations staffed buy "more senior" persons. I don't need fancy layouts, skins, whatever you call them, I just want reporting options to the locale standards, at least one more deck (happy to buy more), REAL TOC and day part scheduling, Drag-and-drop features (stick your fancy search crap). Right, that was delayed because of the ML structure. Heard of SQL? Sh**tloads of companies are using it daily to do everything from banking to on-line commerce.
I have been loyal, and a stalwart member of this forum, but, damn! (I would have preferred something stronger), nothing disappoints me more than this latest offering. NO radio station is comfortable with the decks on the top. Most of our staff (including myself) have multiple-level spectacles. I can't read things clearly at the top of the screen. Yet, the option to drop the decks down to the bottom has been deleted. I hope you never become visually challenged. The colours are, again, BS for colour challenged people (that would be me, and the five other mono-chromatic staff, plus the other x similar people who like to be able to see ALL of their screen, not just the bits that appeal to you. Add to this the frustration at not being able to expand the ML window columns (again, because of reduced visibility), and you may just be able to appreciate where I am coming from.
If you read Facebook and this forum, many people complain about the color settings.
I'm also a 'senior' DJ, and have also spectacles for reading the screen.
It's difficult to read the small text info on the screen and the different dark colors.
It's not that i don't LIKE it, it's simply i can't READ it.
Please bring back the old color settings as a user option.
If people like the black background (as a default) fine with me, but make it a user choice.
Quote from: milky on August 02, 2012, 04:15:18 PM
I can't read things clearly at the top of the screen. Yet, the option to drop the decks down to the bottom has been deleted. I hope you never become visually challenged. The colours are, again, BS for colour challenged people (that would be me, and the five other mono-chromatic staff, plus the other x similar people who like to be able to see ALL of their screen, not just the bits that appeal to you. Add to this the frustration at not being able to expand the ML window columns (again, because of reduced visibility), and you may just be able to appreciate where I am coming from.
I see your point. Speaking as a software developer: It's easy to forget that user have different visual requirements.
I personally don't like this approach (rolling your own user interface). The advantages of using Windows common controls are numerous: Users can choose their own font sizes and high contrast colour schemes etc.
Using the common controls the applications get this functionality for free (almost - there are caveats, but the developer wouldn't need to add these features to the software themselves).
On top of this, using the standard controls, applications tend to work better with screen reader software and lend themselves to easier customisations with scripting software (and automated testing suites).
Please take this in the spirit is is intended - as constructive criticism - there are other aspects of the new interface that are much better than 1.85.
hmm... When reading the announcement email, the first thing I looked for was a print screen of the 'NEW' touch and feel.... no chance up to now. Scares me a little and I can understand Milky beeing upset.
Up to now I was very satisfied with OTSDJ and it did it's job perfect. Recent change of the licensing strategy confused me and at the moment I do not know if I can somehow keep my 5 'free upgrade to 2.0' licenses surviving the next hardware replacements. The other two new licenses... hope they survive too....
Is it really time to evaluate new DJ software? Please do not disappoint loyal users.
now I know why I prefer the decks at the bottom, I didn't realise it was something to do with the state of my eyes (varifocal lenses in my glasses). I just thought it was a cosmetic liking,
I have to agree with other forum members above that the user interface is not good I get the feeling that too many features shoe horned in to a limited space making it difficult to read/use in low light environment. The waste of screen space taken by the turntables when they are turned off - why not use that space to increase the icons within the decks as they are now very difficult to see.
I can and do embrace change however when some of the original useful functionality of Ots is dropped and replaced by new features that deliver a poor user interface I have to ask why?
I have used 1.90m now for approx my last 24 bookings and I have had experienced, for the first time in 10 years of using Ots and on the laptop I have used for the last 6 years, Ots crashing during 4 of the bookings on 1 occasions requiring a reboot of my laptop. I am currently troubleshooting what could have caused this.
I too am not keen on the new interface, and although we have been encouraged to embrace change by the OTS guys I have given the new interface a period of nearly two months which I believe is more than fair.
I think the problem is there is too information on the screen and as a result too tightly packed. I don't use a controller as I have had issues with one in the past and refuse to get stung again. The buttons on the decks are simply too small, an extremely steady hand is required if you want to use the looping features as I have had instances of ejecting the track from the deck which has caused a few unhappy faces. Although I have enabled live protection to prevent this nether the less its still a problem and indicates an issue with the cluttered display. Harsh words to follow as I feel the person responsible for such a terrible design should be shot and be at very least be embarrassed for creating such an ugly mess to system that used to work.
One thing comes to mind..... if it ain't broke.... don't try to fix it....
I'm sure the purpose of the redesign wasn't to make your job harder, but to offer improvements. There isn't any single design that will make every user happy, but OtsLabs has noted this is the first iteration of Esperance and are looking to improve with each forthcoming edition. Let's see what they have up their sleeve before we condemn the design team to a fiery stake!
I appreciate the poor design wasn't intentional, and was to try and improve things. However I feel and so do a few others this is a massive fail. There are ways of arriving from A to Z as you can use all the steps in between, but I feel OTS have just made the massive jump in one go. If we had a slow transition with a regular update process then this would not have been noticed in such a dramatic way, and there is the problem because there was nothing in between the display is so different to what many were so used to.
Don't get me wrong I think change is good, but it has to be for the right reasons and be implemented slowly to give folks time to adapt. This simply wasn't done, and for starters I would have thought OTS would have put out there a few layout designs for consultation by the hands that has fed them for so long, I think giving the end user a choice is always a good idea as after all you buy a product with the view to using it on a regular basis. Why would anyone use a product on a regular basis that was difficult and cumbersome to use?
And this is the way OTS has gone, it's become cumbersome to use and isn't delightful to use any more. But I think people will put up and shut up because it's all they have used for so long due to it's reliability, I would go to far as say people have been told to a degree to either put up and shut up or go else where because this is the development path OTScorp have chosen to follow.
Just my thoughts after all OTScorp are a business and have made there own decisions and thus decided which way to go with regard to the design.
Remember, The new interface is by no means finished. It's a temporary version that will likely see some further changes in the next update. The single color option for example, will very likely have a few more options, much like the previous version of OtsAV having at least 4.
Perhaps they focused too much on a mobile DJ's likes, because I can tell you, as a mobile DJ, every way I use the software was improved. The search and creating playlists are lights out better than before. The small buttons are buttons I don't use very often.
As I've been very vocal about before, I don't agree with everything, and don't agree with a $200 fee for the upgrade, but for the ones that come with it, I'm using it and very happy with it.
And, for those that don't browse the "for sale" section, just a "heads up": I am selling one of my Ots licenses (already upgraded to Esperance) for $200. Check it out :)
Quote from: Mike Sinclair on September 20, 2012, 10:47:29 AM
And, for those that don't browse the "for sale" section, just a "heads up": I am selling one of my Ots licenses (already upgraded to Esperance) for $200. Check it out :)
See folks, there are still deals around!! :thumbsup: :wowza: :laugh:
Another perspective on the new interface. something you probably never thought of
I'm a legally blind computer user who has been happily using previous versions of DJ from the beginning with a screen reader. I've always been impressed with OtsLab's commitment to adapt their products for those of us who are disabled especially the blind community.
Well, in the latest release that all changed for some reason. Now what I'm faced with is some kind of strange interface which is totally useless to me. I appreciate all the keyboard shortcuts, but what good are they if you can't read the items in a listview, combo/edit box,, or whatever other custom control?
I totally get that! Not that I have a vision problem, but I do have other things in mind...
I am completely unable to capture anything from the new interface. menus, playlists, edit boxes. All of it!
I suspect the new interface is WPF instead of straigt C++, and that the code behind is still somehow C++.
I've investingated the interface a little further, and it does not register as WPF. More likely a DirectX interface, as it is a more "low level" interface than WPF, and is used in high performance apps and gaming.
It's probably just win32 calls - I remember Steve saying he didn't like to use any third party libraries unless he had to - i.e. it's written in straight C++. WPF is a .NET technology and the application is definitely a native (i.e. not .NET) application.