Esperance is here!
Right on !!!
There it is!!!!
all hail the carrot! for ^ is now my best friend during shows.
I feel left out! I'm 180 miles from my computer (I should have brought it with me)!
Sweet. thanks. looking forward to checking it out.
I am impressed - alot more info on the main area just need to play with the looping buttons and the libarary in the middle
So far so good - con grats OTS
Totally Radical Dude!
awesome so far!
Worth the wait, Excellent
Nice! Much better search feature and I'm digging the looping.
Do I uninstall the old one 1st?
Could someone show some screenshots please.
I'm away from my computer ,
Many thanks.
Regards Pete
Where is the documents "coming soon"
Mine installed fine without doing anything with the previous version (on a win7 machine)
I was connected to the internet so with one button push the licience was also provided as OTSAV started for the first time
User interface is so much better. I'm just confused about how to browse categories only. I'm sure I'll figure it out.
This is the first time the interface has changed sense I've owned the software in 1998 so it's going to take some getting used to. :thumbsup:
cem6a, Click on the little "Down" arrow on the left in the library (above the little ots guys and just left of OMQL" ... then, in popup menu, choose show all items in category. Then once a category is brought up, you can use the Left and Right arrows (above the down arrow) to toggle between lists (categories you chose and the full library) ... pretty neat :thumbsup:
loving the key change :)
I have tried double clicking on an ots file In Esperance, it opens a window to allow you to edit the file but it will not play in studio.
If I open studio on its own with Esperance closed it works, very strange I will try and figure it out
I've about got it figured out, but 1 thing. How do you import a playlist?
Larry :confused:
This is good timing for me as I am just about to relaunch my station after ordering a VPS. Couldn't have happened at a better time. I do have a question about licensing. I have a licence for 1.85 which I have not used for some time. I uninstalled the software, so can I just install 1.90 without any licence issues.
Works fine on OTSAV DJ Pro Classic (1.90) on my vista desktop pc (on a temp license) Ron, also OtsAV TV Broadcaster working fine on Win 7 (I3 Gig laptop) also currently on a temp license
I must be overlooking something, If I want to download where do I find it. I see 1.85 Pro,but no 1.90
Quote from: BJ on August 01, 2012, 02:31:51 PM
I must be overlooking something, If I want to download where do I find it. I see 1.85 Pro,but no 1.90
look towards the very bottom of the page for the various links
I see the link to upgrade liscense,but I Need a new one for this computer. I don't see 1.90 listed
Figured out why studio didn't work, the computer I have downladed Esperance to is my home computer and the sound config was asiio4all when I change it to the onboard sound card all worked well, I have three other licences to put on other computers when I have got used to the program they should all be alright.
The new search is brilliant, I am pleased with Esperance and looking forward to the next updates.
Quote from: BJ on August 01, 2012, 03:23:49 PM
I see the link to upgrade liscense,but I Need a new one for this computer. I don't see 1.90 listed
Try this link
I presume you have a license that doesn't include the upgrade to v2 included, if not you might want to contact ots corp via email and I am sure they will sort
you out :)
worth the wait!
Yehey!!! :thumbsup:
Yees wery neat...will be much fiddeling to get used to it :wowza:
Quote from: lpresnell on August 01, 2012, 02:20:12 PM
I've about got it figured out, but 1 thing. How do you import a playlist?
Larry :confused:
The same as it's always been, either:
1) right-click on the playlist/prepare list > import > choose your option > use the pop-up window to select your playlist
2) left-click on the OtsGuy in the top left corner (main menu) > file > import list > choose your option > use the pop-up window to select your playlist
That should work.