Ots User Support Forums

The Social Zone! => The Lounge. No business, just chit chat. => Topic started by: Mike Sinclair on May 16, 2011, 08:04:10 PM

Title: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: Mike Sinclair on May 16, 2011, 08:04:10 PM
I am a Mac guy and I would LOVE to have OTS on my Macbook pro without bootcamp and Windows, but I know that's a ways away (if at all)... that being said, I have tried virtual dj, traktor, and a handful of other popular dj programs and I always end up back at OTS. Case in point: this past weekend, I tried out traktor and it's not bad, but the levels were all over the place. OTS' Dynamic Compressor really makes everything sound much better. I ended up booting up my backup laptop and switching over to OTS for about 70% of the gig... sounded cleaner and punchier and more even levels with OTS.

I know a lot of people want looping and other features (me included) but I think that as far as reliability, OTS is still better than anything else out there (IMO) and I know that once OTS Corp adds looping, it will be rock solid and stable.

GO OTS !!!
Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: Darryl on May 17, 2011, 07:55:11 AM
I agree entirely.

The issue for a lot of users (especially new ones who have seen all the wizz-bang features in competing products) is that of patience.  I truly believe that Ots Labs will deliver something fantastic - but I have no idea when (it could be years).  I now consider (like you have) that what I've got is very good and very reliable and have to weigh up the risks/costs (time converting my library of videos and karaoke is a big factor for me) against what I'd gain from the other products.

A lot of experienced OtsAV users on this forum have found novel ways of getting the functionality they want without waiting for Ots Labs to add it to Ots AV.  One user, for instance, knows from experience when he is likely to need a looped intro on a song and creates his own edit before the event.  Recently a user posted how to apply a brake effect using OHML.  The inventiveness of users on here never ceases to impress me.  This suggests to me that the core product is good enough that these people would rather find ways of putting it to their own needs instead of dumping it and trying something else.

The other factor is that if I wanted effects or looping, there are a considerable number of DJ mixers with effects and samplers that I could choose from.  However people only ever comment on my choices of music at gigs and how I interact with the audience, not what I do to the tracks or how I mix them together (even when I deliberately speed them up and slow them down and play bits backwards from time to time).

Have fun,
Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: DJBLUEEntertainment on May 24, 2011, 02:01:14 PM
how long does it take to get something right? for ots it seems forever! the product does need to keep up to remain competitive - something of which allot of people say it just aint. it used to be good - but now unfortunately its lacking further and further behind.

people are expecting more from DJ's and the software internally aint keeping up.

its the old saying sink or swim - going from one song go the other (or beat matched) just does not cut it for allot of audiences these days they do want looping, they do want effects and so on.

I'm also moving to mac, i wont get the stability of the white box only to run windows on it, so my days with ots is becoming numbered - rapidly.

i have been trialing virtual DJ and i don't mind it - depends on the needs now days and i am needing more
Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: Jigger on May 24, 2011, 06:55:41 PM
It has always been said here if Ots dose not give you what you need now, then maybe it is time to move on no hard feelings.
Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: Jumpin' Jeff on May 25, 2011, 12:31:49 AM
And may I add, there have been a few here that have ventured into other software, only to return due to the stability of Ots compared to their alternative software.

To each his/her own.
Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: discodonal.com on May 25, 2011, 01:51:58 AM
We love Ots for obvious reasons. But give us something to keep us going such as light control . . .
Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: Darryl on May 25, 2011, 07:10:10 AM
Yep - functionality vs stability.  It's a tricky one - if I'm using effects/looping etc at a gig, I'm not sure that the guests will remember that - but I'm sure they'll remember 5 minutes of silence while the DJ reboots the computer!  I can't comment on the stability of the competition (except from a guest's point of view - I know DJs using other products and I've been at their gigs and the music has played fine), but I trust Ots AV to just keep playing.

Have fun,
Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: Michael on May 25, 2011, 10:14:01 AM
I have just finished trying a lot of software to suit my new mac and none even come close to "OTS" 
The functions we mobile dj's need, like timers, easy to read layout, shortcuts, more than two lists open on the one screen, pitch and tempo controll.
I wouldn't use anything else and it's running great on the Mac Pro.


Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: Vinny H on May 25, 2011, 05:48:39 PM
While I'm on board with OTS and have no intention changing to another program, I understand why people are concerned with other programs seemingly passing OTS by.  Its true with any program out there...if anyone wants to stay in business they need to be competitive.  Sure, OTS has the most stable program I have seen and I do not wish for them to sacrifice stability for features. But money is being spent else where that could easily be kept with OTS.  If Windows was more stable but behind on driver support, and other features that makes it competitive would Microsoft still be in business? 

Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: Ots_Steve on May 28, 2011, 09:03:33 AM
We have always said people should use whatever tool suits them best, whether that is OtsAV or something else. Naturally people's needs can change over time.

Much of the feedback we receive is similar to what has been expressed in this thread. Stability, reliability and core quality make OtsAV a compelling tool of choice for many.

The development team is going strong on the next release and we believe there will be many very satisfied customers and an increase in people switching to OtsAV from other tools once it is released.

Thanks for your feedback guys.

There are many new customers coming on board every day and some feedback we have received recently is from ex-VDJ owners, switching over to take advantage from OtsAV's video quality, audio quality and mixing.

All the best,


Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: mel garland on May 28, 2011, 10:41:08 AM
Thanks for dropping by Steve.  It's nice to know that you are still visiting.  On a side note are we still on course to get update you are excited about, which you mentioned back in January on a thread in this forum.
Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: Darryl on May 28, 2011, 12:45:02 PM
Thanks Steve - The "We believe there will be ... an increase in people switching to OtsAV from other tools once it is released."  Is a very interesting statement.  I'm thoroughly looking forward to finding out exactly what that means!

Have fun,
Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: Ots_Steve on May 28, 2011, 01:04:20 PM
Quote from: mel garland on May 28, 2011, 10:41:08 AM
Thanks for dropping by Steve.  It's nice to know that you are still visiting.  On a side note are we still on course to get update you are excited about, which you mentioned back in January on a thread in this forum.

Yes very much on track, although it is going to have a lot more now since then. The development process can be quite dynamic which is why we prefer not to release details until the end. I can't say much more, but very confident many people will be pleased with the next release. ;)

And as normal, we've kept to our philosophy of doing things right the first time (reliable and powerful), rather than going the easy way out. It definitely is harder and takes longer with this approach, but makes for a far better tool overall.


Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: lee miran on June 01, 2011, 08:10:34 PM
This is a very encouraging thread.  I haven't been a working mobile DJ now for about 6 years.  However, am seriously thinking of starting up a new DJ venture.  That being said, I've really been testing Ots again and other software. 

I like Ots, that's what I was used to.  But some of the competition is really good and has become much more stable (which may also be because of hardware advancements) than I remember from 6 years ago.  And personally I feel as though I would like some bells and whistles.  I've really been torn.  But I'll try to hang on to see what Ots has in store.
Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: moodymedia on June 23, 2011, 12:22:20 AM
Quote from: jedisinclair on May 16, 2011, 08:04:10 PM
I am a Mac guy and I would LOVE to have OTS on my Macbook pro without bootcamp and Windows, but I know that's a ways away (if at all)... that being said, I have tried virtual dj, traktor, and a handful of other popular dj programs and I always end up back at OTS. Case in point: this past weekend, I tried out traktor and it's not bad, but the levels were all over the place. OTS' Dynamic Compressor really makes everything sound much better. I ended up booting up my backup laptop and switching over to OTS for about 70% of the gig... sounded cleaner and punchier and more even levels with OTS.

I know a lot of people want looping and other features (me included) but I think that as far as reliability, OTS is still better than anything else out there (IMO) and I know that once OTS Corp adds looping, it will be rock solid and stable.

GO OTS !!!

OTS on my Macbook pro

Works Fine with Bootcamp, well does on mine...
Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: Mike Sinclair on October 12, 2013, 11:25:57 AM
Quote from: Mike Sinclair on May 16, 2011, 08:04:10 PM
I am a Mac guy and I would LOVE to have OTS on my Macbook pro without bootcamp and Windows, but I know that's a ways away (if at all)... that being said, I have tried virtual dj, traktor, and a handful of other popular dj programs and I always end up back at OTS. Case in point: this past weekend, I tried out traktor and it's not bad, but the levels were all over the place. OTS' Dynamic Compressor really makes everything sound much better. I ended up booting up my backup laptop and switching over to OTS for about 70% of the gig... sounded cleaner and punchier and more even levels with OTS.

I know a lot of people want looping and other features (me included) but I think that as far as reliability, OTS is still better than anything else out there (IMO) and I know that once OTS Corp adds looping, it will be rock solid and stable.

GO OTS !!!

I posted that in May of 2011. Here it is 2 and a half years later and my opinion has completely changed. I was patient for as long as I could be, but I see myself doing the mobile DJ thing for only a few more years. With the speed (or lack of) that Ots releases new features, I'll be out of the business before these features come to light. I have since found alternatives that allow me to use my MC6000 the way it is meant to be used. I have found a hardware alternative to the Ots compressor. I was a very early user of Ots and I once thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread, for me that bread is stale. I'm not trying to be negative... just expressing frustration. Adam or Steve (I can't remember which off hand) made a statement saying "of course Ots will support the Denon DN-MC6000". I didn't think they meant years later :(
Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: Dr.J on October 13, 2013, 06:06:17 AM
Glad you found the right hammer for the job. I have retired from DJ'ing recently, but held onto my licenses... I still enjoy hosting the odd house party or event.

I agree it is sad that OtsLabs hasn't kept forging ahead as quickly as the DJ world has wanted, but I'm an old-timer (1999 or 2000 OtsDJ license) and I really got stuck on the quality that made OtsDJ/AV the best. Had the same philosophy with my business, unlike a lot of DJ's. Still, I enjoyed the ride ;)

The tools of the game will always change, but the name remains the same... cheers to all the DJ's, no matter what hammer you choose ;)
Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: Mike Sinclair on October 14, 2013, 07:30:42 PM
DR J. I got my first Ots license back in 99 or 2000 as well. I was a huge mouthpiece for the program (OtsJuke DJ at the time). I was actually featured in a newspaper article for being one of the first "laptop DJ's" at the time. I couldn't say enough good things about Ots. But they are SO slow at releasing anything new. I had to seek alternatives. I get flamed whenever I bring up the idea of a Mac version of OtsDJ. But, is it really THAT difficult to port over? Traktor, Serato and Virtual DJ all have windows and Mac versions. Traktor even has an ios version that is pretty sweet. DJay for Mac and ios devices. I use that on my iPad as my backup software. It's pretty intuitive as well. My biggest gripe though is how long it's taking Ots to support the MC6000. If you want to use Ots to its fullest, you have to use a separate mixer and controller like the HC4500. Oh well, it is what it is. I will certainly monitor any new releases from the company in hopes of great things down the road... but for me (for now) Ots is on the back burner.
Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: milky on October 15, 2013, 01:04:54 AM
Back when Noah (and I) were boys, there was a world leader in office spread sheets, called Lotus 1,2,3. There was also Word Perfect, giving secretaries almost unbelievable control over creating and editing documents.
Both of these have now been absorbed or replaced by the Microsoft Leviathan Excel and Word. It is the way of the world. I don't expect Lotus or Word Perfect to leap phoenix-like from the software ashes of the past, but, in turn, MS Office will collapse to some future contender.

Nobody needs to justify the fact that they have moved on to alternative software. I am in the radio industry, and don't use Ots for any of my stations - not because I don't like it, but simply because there are packages out there better suited to my current needs. IF Ots Corp were to produce a serious contender for the industry, and IF the price was right, and IF the Return On Investment made business sense, then I would look at it again.

Meanwhile, Ots still lords over my music room for music and videos.
Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: mel garland on October 15, 2013, 05:44:55 AM
It is a shame they have taken their eye off the ball. When I first purchased otsjuke it was in my mind a world leader but 10+ years later who in their right mind would buy it to start djing with when there are other products that can and do alot more then otsav in helping djs to be more productive.  Sorry to say but the only thing thst still makes any ots product worth buying is is you just need a reliable playback system where you just creat a playlist and let it play.

Will I change after all these years. No. It does what I want it to do but I do feel sorry for the guys that have bought it with the promise of what's to come.

Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: scott hanna on October 17, 2013, 08:26:01 PM
I still prefer ots. Part of it might be that I'm used to it, but I still prefer it. I liked the update. Loved the new search. Have 2 licenses that include upgrades to 2.0

However, on my other licenses, it would cost roughly $200 each to upgrade....or $400 to upgrade a computer and a back up.

For $300, VDJ, which includes historically free yearly upgrades, nearly unlimited decks, back up computer, and a karaoke hoster. My team has begged me to not purchase upgrades of ots, but get them VDJ instead.

So purchasing new VDJ licenses was cheaper than upgrading ots.

I don't fault ots for this. It's a business decision, and if tons of people are paying to upgrade, I wouldn't give it away either if I was them. I don't like to work for free and don't expect others to.

The biggest issue I have is with their credibility
Ots released their karaoke player well before the iPhone was invented. They released it with the notice that it was not complete. I was one of the few who bought the karaoke add on. The hoster was coming. 8 years later, still Darryl's is the only version. 3-4 years ago, they released an update with no real new functions, but said this new core will make new updates much more frequent. If anything, they are less frequent.

For years I always reccomendded  Ots for someone looking at software for the first time. Today, I no longer do.
Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: Country Boy on October 18, 2013, 03:28:37 PM
I too moved on years ago but still have a buddy that I help out with Ots.  I bought it when the karaoke and video modules came out because it was by far the most stable and best looking video output on the market.  After about three years other products caught up quality wise and I moved on.  I am not mad at Ots at all.  I paid around $800 for the program and the modules and believe that I got my money's worth.  It served me day in and day out for those three years without so much as a hiccup.  Sometimes I wonder how great the product would be now if it had greater controller support and the ability to use modern video formats?  It is what it is though, so take the program for what it is and not what it could be. :)
Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: Mike Sinclair on October 18, 2013, 09:33:48 PM
Quote from: Country Boy on October 18, 2013, 03:28:37 PM
I too moved on years ago but still have a buddy that I help out with Ots.  I bought it when the karaoke and video modules came out because it was by far the most stable and best looking video output on the market.  After about three years other products caught up quality wise and I moved on.  I am not mad at Ots at all.  I paid around $800 for the program and the modules and believe that I got my money's worth.  It served me day in and day out for those three years without so much as a hiccup.  Sometimes I wonder how great the product would be now if it had greater controller support and the ability to use modern video formats?  It is what it is though, so take the program for what it is and not what it could be. :)

Well said, Country boy.
Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: Nicolee on October 22, 2013, 12:10:23 AM
I still use Ots but not as much as I used to, the lack of updates has made me realise other software solutions have caught up and are a lot more reliable than they used to be.

Not so long ago I think I recall Ots Corp stating they had totally rewrote the code as to allow the release of updates more often, but still we are still waiting 18-24 months per update, not good as a software solution.

No doubt I will always stick with Ots for the sake of future releases, but it remains to be seen if I will ever use it as my sole software solution again, which is quite sad really.
Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: ian.burrage on November 20, 2013, 12:24:40 PM
I used to gig 4-5 times a week, now it's 4-5 times a year... When I found Ots about 7 or 8 years ago, I was blown away at how easy, intuitive, stable and clean it was...it still is. I have been through 3 laptops in that time and it's the laptops that fail, not Ots.

Now here's my issue....

I want stability, that's all, that's what I want from my play out software. A system that I can guarantee will play for 10 hours or longer if needs be without a hiccup. That's why I have Ots. Trouble is, I don't have a laptop that will do that. Windows are notorious for clogging up and slowing down after a year or two, so I am finally looking at Mac. It has taken me years to save to be in the position where I could buy one, only to find that Ots will not run on it unless I make it act like a PC. Why would I spend all that money on a stable laptop to then turn it into something that I am trying to get away from?

Plus, I have bought Ots. Why would I buy a Mac to then use an inferior product when I have already paid to use Ots?

I give up!

I've got a whole load of small vinyl discs that I might try instead, though I doubt that'll ever take off!
Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: Bryan Durio on November 20, 2013, 09:04:18 PM
I too have slacked off because my DJ business has evaporated with no signs of resuscitation. I used to be a very strong proponent of Ots in the mid-2000s but with Ots Labs' lack of timely updates and communication I am no longer one of its cheerleaders. I would be more upset if I had a lot of business but that isn't the case. And the DJ software industry has left Ots Labs in the dust.

I have three licenses and I won't get rid of them, but the bloom is off the rose and like Milky, I just use them at home. If anything interesting ever develops in Ots Land my interest may be piqued, but I'm no longer an ardent advocate of the software.

Just damn.
Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: Audioot on November 21, 2013, 06:10:16 PM
Quote from: ReddieFreddie on November 20, 2013, 12:24:40 PM
I used to gig 4-5 times a week, now it's 4-5 times a year... When I found Ots about 7 or 8 years ago, I was blown away at how easy, intuitive, stable and clean it was...it still is. I have been through 3 laptops in that time and it's the laptops that fail, not Ots.

Now here's my issue....

I want stability, that's all, that's what I want from my play out software. A system that I can guarantee will play for 10 hours or longer if needs be without a hiccup. That's why I have Ots. Trouble is, I don't have a laptop that will do that. Windows are notorious for clogging up and slowing down after a year or two, so I am finally looking at Mac. It has taken me years to save to be in the position where I could buy one, only to find that Ots will not run on it unless I make it act like a PC. Why would I spend all that money on a stable laptop to then turn it into something that I am trying to get away from?

Plus, I have bought Ots. Why would I buy a Mac to then use an inferior product when I have already paid to use Ots?

I give up!

I've got a whole load of small vinyl discs that I might try instead, though I doubt that'll ever take off!

Well I'm no Microsoft fan, but with the introduction of XP and later I must say that Windows is quite stable. I mean: you're talking about 10 hours straight, but my playout system is running for weeks non stop 24hrs streaming per day, so it is possible. And it's nothing fancy. Running on an 7 year old Dell witch XP SP3 installed. It's the windows updates that cause the casual need for reboot. And you should not perform other stuff simultanously :)
Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: shdixon on December 01, 2013, 06:35:13 AM
I'm with Bryan. I'm retiring after my last wedding reception in January. I too will keep my OTS licenses and do the occasional event for friends but that's about it. We all get burnt out after a time. I think Adam & Co. are like us. It was a good run. I don't regret my choice of Ots. I can still do more event coordination and management with it than any other software.
Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: krzyd on December 04, 2013, 12:12:16 PM
The strange part for me is remembering mine and others posts getting deleted for even hinting at these issues six, seven, or eight years ago. Times it seems, they are a changin', I still use Ots at home and the very occasional gig though with no complaints these days since I don't mess with lighting, and I don't see that I'll need the promised upgrade features anymore. It's really just more disappointing how Ots has treated it's early adopters with regards to communication, and basically not living up to promises given, it's the way of the world I guess.
Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: discodonal.com on December 04, 2013, 08:45:56 PM
Should the 2.0 early adopters seek a refund as I think we were sold a pup all those years ago!
Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: krzyd on December 04, 2013, 08:53:23 PM
Quote from: discodonal.com on December 04, 2013, 08:45:56 PM
Should the 2.0 early adopters seek a refund as I think we were sold a pup all those years ago!
I wouldn't go that far, I've gotten HUGE value for what I paid ($99). I just wish there was more honesty in the development timeline.
Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: Jammin' Adam on December 05, 2013, 01:45:21 AM
Quote from: krzyd on December 04, 2013, 08:53:23 PM
I wouldn't go that far, I've gotten HUGE value for what I paid ($99). I just wish there was more honesty in the development timeline.

+1 on the huge value part.

I'm also a home user, I bought "OtsJukeDJ" (also paid $99 in early 2001) because I liked the way it mixed my music and kept from me from rowing the volume up or down. For me anything extra added to Ots was bonus features. Now that I finally got a PC with plenty of grunt to do videos, I've been wondering why I waited so long to enjoy them, maybe I'll start playing around with karaoke too, that could great for home parties!

So yeah, I think I got my value from it and then some, but alas we are definitely not getting any younger.
Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: Glen J. Millar on December 05, 2013, 05:43:47 PM
Well a few days ago I bought another license as my DJ's said that they did not want to change, and as I got into 1.90 I started to use some of the other features (the ticker/slideshow) and make OtsAV work for ME and not me working to get it to do things it is not meant to do.

I also have a hard time thinking of converting music etc and learning a new software program when the one I have does what I need it to do.

btw I am a basic wedding & corporate party DJ and none of my guys are big on beat mixing.
Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: SoundWave on December 06, 2013, 03:46:48 PM
Quote from: Capital DJ Services on December 05, 2013, 05:43:47 PM

I also have a hard time thinking of converting music etc and learning a new software program when the one I have does what I need it to do.

More and more I think that is the big barrier of entry to OTS.  I used it for a short time, and have 2 licenses, but always shuttered at converting and maintaining 2 full music databases.  I have gone through software conversions at my day job, and when a program or file type becomes obsolete, it is beyond a headache - it can be a business killer.

I know that there are benefits to the OTS file type.  One used to be file size.  That is not an issue today with the large HDs available.  OTS wants to become relevant again, bring back MP3 or other file type compatibility, and make the other data available as a file add-on, same file name with an OTS  extension, made in the same folder.  You would get a lot more people playing with the software if it would work with their existing libraries.

For now, I am content to come on here an read everybody's posts - love this place, even if I don't use OTS.
Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: discodonal.com on December 06, 2013, 07:08:59 PM
Every now and again Ots pop up,and say that DJ is not there main market but they were not saying this when they wanted cash up front to develop Ots DJ 2.0.
Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: Mike Sinclair on December 06, 2013, 09:20:23 PM
Quote from: discodonal.com on December 06, 2013, 07:08:59 PM
Every now and again Ots pop up,and say that DJ is not there main market but they were not saying this when they wanted cash up front to develop Ots DJ 2.0.

Well said!
Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: shdixon on December 08, 2013, 04:15:16 PM
I still use the old version. The new is just too small to read for my old eyes. I'm fast with the old version. I know where everything is. I'm fast to locate and decide when to use a song request. Using OTS is second nature. I'm free to stay connected with the event and the people without ANY worry about the software or any energy wasted on trying to think about how to use a feature or where to find it. I have said over and over for many years that OTS is just a hammer I use to do my business. If a better hammer came out I would have switched in a heartbeat. For me, no better hammer has come out, not even the new version of OTS.

I did my in-office holiday party last week. I helped develop the plan but they didn't give me all the updates. Partially because the party plan continued to be developed and altered right up to the day of the party. As part of the entertainment they had created a flash mob dance. They had a  small CD player on a table. It wasn't till 5 minutes before the event started that I  saw one of the ladies take my microphone over a try to lay it in front of the small speaker and play the song they intended to dance to. I asked what did she want to do. That's when I found out about the flash mob dance. I did not have time to rip the CD to OTS but because I still use the OLD version of OTS I just put the CD in my laptop and OTS read the file. I slid the song into the work area and once I got the nod for the flash mob I slid the song to the playlist and away we went. Effortless, quick, and  perfect. Another moment when I was glad I used OTS.

So, I won't use the new version. I have no desire to learn the interface and honestly I can't see it that well. Plus, without the CD import it fails to quickly do what I needed at my party, which is exactly what happens when someone brings in that special song that needs to be played.

Adam, Steve. Keep the old version going. Let people choose. You already know the code so it should be easy to update but honestly, it really doesn't need updating.

For me, the OLD OTS is still be best tool for my business.
Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: clover-leaf-productions on December 08, 2013, 07:32:21 PM
I have to agree with Stan on this.  The old version just works, like a hammer!

I use a 14'' LCD monitor, attached to the desktop tower that gets hidden under the table.  I like the small monitor on the table.  I can easily see around it to see what is happening at the event.  The new 22, and 23 flat panels are just too big to use at an event.  All the crowd would say, would be, "Where is the Dj? Oh wait he is hiding behind that big monitor!"  I do not want to show off my monitor.  I want people to not even know it is there.  The new Ots will not be readable on that little monitor.

Plus I mentioned the tower system.  I like my M Audio card.  It sounds great.  I need that big cabinet to hide it in.  I like windozzze XP pro.  It is the hammer of OS's.  Win 7, and 8 have not proven themselves to me.  I work with OS's everyday in the real job; and XP just works.  I am not planning on changing any time soon.

So it's old Ots for Me!!
Title: Re: OTS vs other software... my two cents...
Post by: dickus51 on December 08, 2013, 08:13:08 PM
Well I have to say Win 7 Ultimate 64bit is rock solid and a M-audiocard run for 30 days 24/7 and probably longer hadn't Microsoft come up with updates and forced a restart in the middle of the night. That's  good enough for me and the new version of OTS too. But anything good for you, stick with it no matter what others think.

Cheers  :wacko: