Ots User Support Forums

The Social Zone! => The Lounge. No business, just chit chat. => Topic started by: lltgdp on May 24, 2010, 04:28:00 AM

Title: sound speeding up and slowing down
Post by: lltgdp on May 24, 2010, 04:28:00 AM
I am running OTSDJ 1.15.004 and have been for several years.  I keep the music on a western Digital external hard drive and run via an external Sound Blaster sound card.  We just started experiencing our songs speeding up and slowing down.  We have made no changes to the computer and nothing else runs on the computer.  Any one experience this?  Any ideas? 
Title: Re: sound speeding up and slowing down
Post by: Darryl on May 24, 2010, 06:37:03 AM
Judging by the old version you are using my best guess would be that this is a side effect of using a cracked copy.

If I'm wrong, I apologise.  in which case, log into your OtsZone account and download and install the latest version and let us know how you get on with that.

Have fun,
Title: Re: sound speeding up and slowing down
Post by: milky on May 24, 2010, 07:23:21 AM
I don't know about the SB cards, but some others (Echo Audio, M-Audio) have a frequency lock option as a checkbox. If this is not locked down, the card will pick up any stray Windows sounds (usually recorded at 11KHz) and attempt to down-convert the ots files. Check the card options, and select your on-board sound as the default for Windows sounds.
Title: Re: sound speeding up and slowing down
Post by: Mainesmixx on June 01, 2010, 05:11:53 PM
Hey, a few years back i had this issue,    quick fix...  check your computer,  mine was the CPU fan packed full of dust....,  this room is very light on dust but some how it got stuck in the heat sink and was effecting the CPU... 

hope this helps..
