a SIDE project...

Started by DJ_Zath, August 04, 2023, 07:52:33 AM

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just a small mention.. aside of my main gig, I also have a side project called "The Cosmos Ambient Music"

its just a machine, (named 'Henry III') running Ots unattended- playing assorted space ambient, movie/game soundtracks and an odd non-ambient track or several at various times.

there is a fun little story behind this project.. but perhaps, not so little to type it out here! hehehe

oh! and the video portion plays a slideshow of space imagery

you can reach the station via this link:  https://www.warp-radio.com/cosmos and https://www.warp-radio.tv/cosmos respectively.



WARP Radio Network

for Audio Feeds:   https://www.warp-radio.com
for Video feed:     https://www.warp-radio.tv/

Twitch:                https://twitch.tv/warp_hd
Dlive:                  https://dlive.tv/warp_radio

Live Chat:            https://irc.warp-radio.com

Have Alexa?  You can listen to WARP Radio with it! (100% FREE, NO skills, modules or downloads required!)  Simply say: "Alexa, play the station warp radio network" and you're in!


Sorry that this isn't up as much as I'd like to be.. it all boils-down to Comcast's unreliability in my area. but keep trying! there are times when its up and running..


WARP Radio Network

for Audio Feeds:   https://www.warp-radio.com
for Video feed:     https://www.warp-radio.tv/

Twitch:                https://twitch.tv/warp_hd
Dlive:                  https://dlive.tv/warp_radio

Live Chat:            https://irc.warp-radio.com

Have Alexa?  You can listen to WARP Radio with it! (100% FREE, NO skills, modules or downloads required!)  Simply say: "Alexa, play the station warp radio network" and you're in!


this project has been shelved permanently until further notice as a series of mishaps and bad advice caused me to completely DESTROY the system (computers and SSDs) and it won't be returning untill I can get another new computer to dedicate to the project!

for those who know me...  NO! I didn't destroy it with a sledge heheh basically, a tech was INSISTING that I "hot swap" the drives claiming that "the protocol states it must be hot swappable" (I believe they couldn't be bothered by the small amount of extra time it was taking me to power-cycle the machine as I was switching in and out various drives, cards and parts... per UEFI...); they were wrong! at the second time (plugging-in the SSDs) the motherboard shorted out and the magic smoke escaped- so I lost it all! the thing is, I knew BETTER and despite my protest, I listened to that tech, anyways, and now, the damage is done!


WARP Radio Network

for Audio Feeds:   https://www.warp-radio.com
for Video feed:     https://www.warp-radio.tv/

Twitch:                https://twitch.tv/warp_hd
Dlive:                  https://dlive.tv/warp_radio

Live Chat:            https://irc.warp-radio.com

Have Alexa?  You can listen to WARP Radio with it! (100% FREE, NO skills, modules or downloads required!)  Simply say: "Alexa, play the station warp radio network" and you're in!


That sucks Zath! :(

I suppose it's useless to try and get them to be responsible and replace it.
It's all just programming :P