Started by Tim Gainer, November 17, 2018, 11:04:52 PM

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Tim Gainer

Howdy Fellow Ots-ers!

It's been a long time! It's also been mighty quiet around these parts so I thought I'd stir up the pot and let you guys in on what I've been up to.

Along with keeping RFA going and getting ClassiChristmas ready to roll again on December 1st (it's that time AGAIN!?), the big news is that my oldest son and my nephew decided earlier this year to pull the old man out of moth balls and shove him back into a recording studio. Long story short, They're producing my first new album in 15 years, "Honor Among Thieves" which will be out sometime in 2019.

If that isn't enough to scare the bejeezus out of you, a single from the sessions was released on October 19th. An original song, "The Sunrise Also Fell" b/w a cover of Bob Seger's "Get Out Of Denver."

All this, a YouTube channel...they even got me on Facebook again! (The things I do for these kids...)

Honestly though, I am pretty proud of the new record and hope you guys dig it, too. Maybe you online stations can add it to your rotation? Give it a listen and if you're into it, let me know; I'll gladly send a copy out to you.

Oh, and I did mention I also have a podcast? Yeah - "Gainer and Leigh On The Loose" , a 60-minute weekly show that isn't for the easily triggered. To give you an idea, the positioning statement is: "Bringing the world together sick joke at a time." You've been warned.


(Also available on  Amazon, iTunes, Spotify, Google Play and other fine online retailers!)



More as made available and when i find a nanosecond. Hope all you guys are well and keeping the Ots Universe humming!!

Ots Radio Broadcaster 1.94
Ots DJPro 1.94
Ots DJPro 1.90

If music is the food of the soul, then play on...



Nice to hear from you Tim on the dead forum! It's good to stay busy and keeps you young :thumb:


The Mighty Tim Gainer strikes again.....

It never hurts to slide out of the shadows occasionally.
Dayton, Ohio, USA


Lovely to hear from you Tim. We oldies may step out of the light from time to time, but we are hard to keep in the dark.

An interesting side line I just discovered...Tim is a "south paw" - he plays his guitar back to front like the great Hendrix, Cobain and McCartney. That HAS to be a sign of greatness.
OtsDJ           PDI = PAAA-BHVP,  PBQN-3658
S & L               PDI = PAAA-BK27 x 2
Studio             PDI = PAAA-BL38

Tim Gainer

Quote from: milky on November 20, 2018, 02:55:15 AM
Tim is a "south paw" - he plays his guitar back to front like the great Hendrix, Cobain and McCartney. That HAS to be a sign of greatness.

Well, you know what they say: "If a right-handed person uses the left side of his brain, then left-handed people are the only ones in their right minds!"  :p

As to the 'playing upside-down' syndrome (I play left-handed but string it right-handed for those that don't get the allegory), it brings up another saying: " a genius is the closest thing to insanity."

I'll let you guys decide...
Ots Radio Broadcaster 1.94
Ots DJPro 1.94
Ots DJPro 1.90

If music is the food of the soul, then play on...



I know that it is a "wiring thing", but, as a keyboardist and guitarist myself, I have nothing but admiration for anyone who can reverse the "conventional" way of playing things and still make a note.
The RH stringing makes it even more interesting, because techniques like "hammer on.. hammer off" and even the "Staunton lick" conventionally require a strum from the lowest to highest note in the chord, so this means that you strum upwards.

I dips me lid to you sir.

BTW, I took a listen to some of your tracks and they are very nice indeed, and beautifully mixed (by your good self, I believe).

I've always resisted putting anything of mine online, but you've made me think about maybe making a production around my music boot-camp we have every January. We invite around forty up and coming talents to live in at my place for a week and attend workshops run by guest musos, culminating in an open-air concert. It's well covered by local press, but, maybe YouTube is the future.
OtsDJ           PDI = PAAA-BHVP,  PBQN-3658
S & L               PDI = PAAA-BK27 x 2
Studio             PDI = PAAA-BL38

Tim Gainer

Quote from: milky on November 21, 2018, 08:35:57 PM
I know that it is a "wiring thing", but, as a keyboardist and guitarist myself, I have nothing but admiration for anyone who can reverse the "conventional" way of playing things and still make a note.
The RH stringing makes it even more interesting, because techniques like "hammer on.. hammer off" and even the "Staunton lick" conventionally require a strum from the lowest to highest note in the chord, so this means that you strum upwards.

I dips me lid to you sir.

BTW, I took a listen to some of your tracks and they are very nice indeed, and beautifully mixed (by your good self, I believe).

I've always resisted putting anything of mine online, but you've made me think about maybe making a production around my music boot-camp we have every January. We invite around forty up and coming talents to live in at my place for a week and attend workshops run by guest musos, culminating in an open-air concert. It's well covered by local press, but, maybe YouTube is the future.

Thanking you muchly for the kind words, sir. Coming from you, this is high praise.

The production praise on the new single (and subsequent album) goes to my oldest son, Jim and nephew Colin (who have their own storied history in music and comedy). They're the ones who pulled the old man out of mothballs and talked into making another album. In fact, three of my four boys along with their cousin play on the tracks with me. It's truly a "family affair" and we're having a bunch of fun.

And yes - YouTube and social media IS the future! I broke down and have no regrets on "putting it out there." It's really easy to do and and there IS an audience for your work, regardless. I'd recommend doing this for your boot-camp.
Ots Radio Broadcaster 1.94
Ots DJPro 1.94
Ots DJPro 1.90

If music is the food of the soul, then play on...


Tim Gainer

Welp, I promised everyone an update on the album...

Here it is!

Ots Radio Broadcaster 1.94
Ots DJPro 1.94
Ots DJPro 1.90

If music is the food of the soul, then play on...


Tim Gainer

Ots Radio Broadcaster 1.94
Ots DJPro 1.94
Ots DJPro 1.90

If music is the food of the soul, then play on...



I actually have a REAL GENUINE SIGNED copy- on VINYL, no less (maybe even pressing 0001)!

I think I have permission to play it on WARP too!  heheh

if anyone wishes to hear a sample, you can always come by and request it! :)

I'm sure ole Timmy wouldn't mind at all!

really its GOOD!



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