Ots Shuts Down

Started by djriptide, April 14, 2013, 10:57:57 AM

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Sorry to bother you guys again but I have another issue I haven't been able to resolve.  Maybe this is a known issue?

I have OtsAVDJPro on my main computer and OtsAVDJSilver on my backup computer.

I have started having issues with both Ots programs on both computers.  Several times, but only once per gig my main computer has had a window pop up that says, "OtsAVDJPro has stopped working correctly.  Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available." I then have to restart the program and so far it's only happened once per gig. All I was doing each time I believe, was searching for a song.

This is happening almost every gig now for some reason but only once per gig and so far, an hour or two into the gig.

Today I was running music on my backup computer for a few hours and all of a sudden the same window popped up with the same problem but this time OtsAVDJ has stopped working because I'm using the OtsAVDJSilver program.  At the time I was toggleing between the library and history tabs.

There are critical times during a wedding reception this will just be unacceptable for me to have to restart the program.  Does anyone have a suggestion about what I can do about this?

I have set up both computers as per instructions from Ots for a dedicated music computer.  I have only bare bones programs like AvgFree for instance.  Both of my computers are only used for music.

Thanks again,



I've had this with my current laptop. It was overheating. I only worked it out when I went to do an event where they had the heating on way too high and it occurred several times. I had accidentally positioned the new laptop in sick a way that the exhaust vent that the cooling fan was blowing warm air into an enclosed space. Once I repositioned it I've not had any trouble since.

Version of the Karaoke Hoster is available now - http://sourceforge.net/projects/karaokehoster

Checkout my CDG Editor - repair badly ripped CDG Karaoke files with ease: http://sourceforge.net/projects/cdgeditor/

Now Playing in OtsAV - https://sourceforge.net/projects/nowplayinginots/ - Show your Windows Live Messenger contacts what you are listening to in OtsAV.


Thanks, both of my computers are towers and not overheating.  On my main computer I run Window's XP and on the backup computer Window's 8.  So, I'm having the problem on two different computers, two different Ots programs, and two different operating systems.


Sounds nasty, but my initial reaction would be to suspect that you have loaded something on both of your machines that is not your friend.
EG. You mention AvgFree but did you download it from avgfree.com or from "hackers.com" ?? Did you take notice of the download site?
What I am trying to say is if you download a free program to try that you are not sure about, from a url that you are not sure about then that is deadly.
What else have you downloaded apart from the virus scanner? In general if you pay for software then it is safe to use but if it is free and no paid version is available then beware.
I am not saying that AVGFree has any issues if downloaded form the right site.

I run Nortons 360, MalwareBytes Anti-Malware, SuperAntiSpyware Professional, and Spybot on each of my machines.  I keep my Windows updated and scanners updated and run the scanners frequently.  Its a good idea not to install Java if you can live without it, it has so many vulnerabilities which allow in Trojans and thousands cannot be detected.
Click on dodgy web sites or spam mail messages and you WILL have problems.

Lately I have created a Drive C: that I clone from each few months to overwrite any possible bad guys on the production Drive C:
Would be a waste of time if I downloaded dodgy software on the main drive which included a Trojan.

Does the machine have adequate memory eg at least 4GBytes?
Is there something scheduled like a Windows update where the wireless lan is called for an Internet connection but can't connect etc?
What happens just prior to the failure?  Is there an entry in the Windows Event Log at failure time?
What else did you have running at the same time?

I am only guessing of course but you might need to reload Windows and start again, being more careful next time, sorry if that sounds harsh.
I hope it turns out to be something much simpler than what I describe.


I am pretty computer savvy and only download programs from trusted sites like download.cnet.com/AVG-AntiVirus-Free and I have Window's update shut off so I do the updates manually.  Going to check my computers to answer your other questions but going to a pool party gig this morning.  Will write more later.  I know I don't have Java shut off and agree with that....will do it today. 

Thanks for writing back.



I do the Window's updates manually every week.

mel garland

Might be worthwhile opening the towers and making sure memory etc is seated securely. Also are all your drivers upto date? Might be the case a windows update is causing a conflict with old drivers.
Tiverton, Devon, Uk


Sorry I stopped posting on my problem....my well went dry at my home yesterday so had to work on that problem first.

Back to the questions you asked me JAylmer.  As I said I do manual Windows updates once a week so the auto is turned off.
This computer has an AMD A6-5400KAPU with Radeon(tm) HD
Graphics 3.60GHz
RAM 6.00 GB
64-bit Window's 8 operating system

I did the pool party gig this past Sunday and played music solid for 5 hours with no problem.  However, before I started the gig I tried to load an Ots Item List (.oil) file and found that each time I do I get the pop up window that I stated above.  I had created this file for a wedding I'm going to be doing this upcoming weekend.  It's a file of all the dinner music they want.  I had played all the music a few days ago then exported it as an .oil file to my desktop.  I had planned to just double click it during the reception and play the music in the order that I set it up ahead of time.  Every time I double click it now I get the fault that

I just did a memory check (using my window's 8 computer memory diagnostics tool) this morning and the result was "No problems detected."

I have several .oil files and each one of them does the same thing when I double click them to start Ots.  Just did one before this post and I have the same problem saying OtsAvDJ has stopped working and Windows needs to close.  Sometimes it will run just a few seconds and sometimes maybe up to 30 seconds before I get the fault.


Well, I answered part of my own problem this morning.  In the old Ots programs I always just double clicked the .oil to bring up a prepared music list that started playing for weddings etc.  I found out that if I first bring up my Ots program and then go back and double click the .oil it will come up and stay stable. 

Now, I only have to worry about getting the fault when I'm just playing my regular music.  If nobody else is having the problem it must be something I'm doing wrong.  Funny it's happening on two computers, two different Ots programs, and two different operating systems?


Interesting, you may have uncovered a bug, but I would think that starting OTS from a "parameter" file was non-standard?
I start OTS AVDJ by clicking on its icon and then Right click on "end of list" in the playlist window, left click on "Import" and then "Replace entire list" and select the oil I want.

Its interesting that in the absence of a good drivers manual how all different techniques evolve.

Jammin' Adam

I tend to agree with JAylmer, you may want to send Ots an email accurately describing the problem, and give them your make, model and total system specs of both PC's.

I do the same with template files double click one and Ots opens loads a list and plays away, never had a problem. But I never tried oil or ofl files to see if there was any problems.

I got win7 on this box and Radio Broadcaster on an XP box, I think i'll create a few oil files and test that out to see what happens.
Just an ordinary average guy, who built an ordinary average computer, and uses it to play some ordinary average music, using a very extraordinary and extremely above average software called OtsAV. Which gives an ordinary average person, some extraordinary and  better than average multimedia enjoyment, to supplement an otherwise ordinary average lifestyle.

OtsAV PDI's:


Thanks guys, I was under the impression that a few of you are Ots people on this forum.  If needed, I'll open a ticket with Ots, whatever you guys think.

Jammin' Adam

Well, I'm not so sure now, The XP box has 1.85 installed, The win 7 box has Esperance installed. I made a playlist from a playlist template and exported the list to an oil file on the desktop of each machine and closed Ots, then double clicked the oil file on each box and Ots opened and started playing, it's now 2 and a half hours playing time on both and I am still hearing music from each machine.

I'm now wondering, if there some other hardware or software issue possibly causing the problem since I can not seem to replicate the problem.
Just an ordinary average guy, who built an ordinary average computer, and uses it to play some ordinary average music, using a very extraordinary and extremely above average software called OtsAV. Which gives an ordinary average person, some extraordinary and  better than average multimedia enjoyment, to supplement an otherwise ordinary average lifestyle.

OtsAV PDI's:

Jumpin' Jeff

We have 2 Ots staff on board currently, and neither have recently visited the forums. Ots_Steve lasted visited March 4, 2013, and Ots_Adam last visited during the Esperance release Last July/August. Your best bet is to contact them directly and get a support ticket started.
Jeff Main

You can please some of the people some of the time, all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you can never please all of the people all of the time. 
Abraham Lincoln
OtsAV license holder for life.
PDI: OtsAV TV Broadcaster PARC-KHY7


Experimenting more this morning.  As I said, I just found out the problem about double clicking the .oil file.  This morning I tried the same thing but this time using my other computer with Window's XP and OtsAVDJPro.  There is no problem using this computer and this Ots program.  Everything plays fine.  However, this is the computer and program where I sometimes get the fault after playing a couple hours.

As I said the other computer has Window's 8 and OtsDJSilver on it, so not sure what the problem is.  I am going to open a ticket on the problem.